search enging visibility chart

Track search engine position results over time for you and your competitors.

Search Position Visibility is an aggregate valuation of successful search positions for the client's keyphrases across all 3 primary engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo). The more top listings for which a site appears across this aggregate search space, the higher its Visibility. This allows you to measure over time the relative position performance for each client, ally, and competitor site.

Interactive position reporting

Search, sort, and filter your search engine position results with our interactive position analysis tool.

Show only your new position results on Google, or search for your phrases on Bing whose positions improved in the previous week.

Identify keyphrase themes

Analyze each client, ally, and competitor site's position results to identify its keyphrase theme.

We analyze the individual words occurring most often within a site's search engine result pages (SERPs), then generate a keyword cloud to visualize that site's dominant themes.